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"Item Transfer - Rules"

Posted by Vplatsas on May-07-03 at 11:47 AM
I Wonder if anyone has already made an Item Transfer catalogue
or stated any rules that apply to transfering items from Wiz 7 to 8

I have already searched the forum, but most info was scattered around. Tried to search the VN boards also, but they need subscription, and i woould'nt give my credit card number online.

So if anyone knows of a site that has such a catalogue or set of rules (like Rick in his site for transfering items from 6 to 7) please post...
Thanx in advance...

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by gator on May-07-03 at 12:12 PM
Here is a discussion on this over at VN:


Here is a link to the list in question:


"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by nomad on May-07-03 at 03:27 PM
You can not link to that faq. But you can get to it by traversing the linkage manually.

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by Dragon2k on May-07-03 at 07:14 PM
gamefaqs prohibits linking diretly to the FAQ or guide, but instead, encorages us to do this:

"Or cut-n-paste ..."
Posted by Llevram on May-07-03 at 07:53 PM
... the link into an already open browser session.

Tools for Wizardry(r) 7

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by Vplatsas on May-12-03 at 04:53 AM
I would like to thank all of you for your contribution
The fact is, that while all the info provided is not as accurate
as i wanted it to be (f.e. broadsword +1 sometimes transfer, some not, i guess it is considered special), it will greatly help me to compile the exact transfer rules for items (combining your info with other found by myself).

I was wondering if someone, close enough to Linda Currie or someone else from the Wiz 8 development group, could contact them for some more info about this subject

For example, i almost found a way to transfer items at all 8 slots of each character. But i still need info what items transfer in the party bag and how (already found that excess lower armor, like mail mittens, chain hosen and chamois gloves transfer there)

With your help and all the info i find in the net and myself, i hope i will make the complete item transfer list

Thanx again, keep posting, if you have something new...

"We are all close to her (Linda) ..."
Posted by Llevram on May-12-03 at 07:03 AM
... as close as an email away (bugs@sir-tech.com) ... but if she was going to just give out that information, you would have seen it by now .

Tools for Wizardry(r) 7

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by Vplatsas on May-20-03 at 06:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON May-30-03 AT 12:49 PM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-27-03 AT 06:37 AM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-26-03 AT 06:18 AM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-20-03 AT 07:00 AM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-20-03 AT 06:58 AM (Pacific)

After many hours of importing parties i have concluded to the following :


• Wizardry 7 items belong to 4 categories :
Normal Items (1) always transfer.
Special Items (2) always transfer, but no more than three per inventory.
Super Items (3) transfer, but no more than one per inventory.
Uber Items (4) NEVER transfer.

• It is only possible to import :
A) three (3) Special Items or
B) one (1) Super Item and two (2) Special Items per PC inventory

Exception 1 : A PC cannot import more than three (3) Misc. Items.
Exception 2 : The above exception does not apply if the fourth Misc. Item is a Super Item (e.g. Ankh Of Might), or a Diamond Ring

• If you transfer only 7 different Items with a PC, the 8th item slot will be completed with an object that the race or profession has as standard (e.g. Faerie Dust for Faeries, or Wakizashi for Samurai, if importing 2 handed Weapons). If you transfer 8 or more different Items, these standard items are lost.

• It is possible to import more than 8 different Items with a PC, as most Normal or Special Misc. Items get pushed to the Wiz 8 Party Bag.

This theory is not completely mine, since i have encountered it somewhere (can't remember though, sorry). I have thoroughly checked it and it proves right.

Here are some of the items i have been messing with:
The number in brackets following is the number of the category of each item. No bracket means Normal (1), if i don't mention it, it is probably Uber (4). Although, the guide is still not complete.

Armor with Wiz7 AC-6 and lower (1)
Armor with Wiz7 AC-7 to AC-10 (2)
Armor with Wiz7 AC-10 and above (4)

• Exceptions : Cap Of Wiles (2), Mitre de Sanct (3), Flynn's Cap (4), Necromatic Helm (4), Coif of Divinemail (4), Faerie Cap (4)

Anointed Cloak (3)
Midnight Cloak (2)
Shadow Cloak (2)

Aromatic Salts (1) ---- Amulet Of Life (2) --- Ankh Of Might (3)
Brimstone Nuggets (1) --- Bat Necklace (2) --- Ring Pro Frost (3)
Cross Of Protection (1) --- Ju-Ju Stones (2) --- Ring Of Resounding (3)
Deadman's Hair (1) --- Lions' Claws (2)
Diamond Ring (1) --- Valentine Necklace (2)
Dragon's Teeth (2) --- Vitriolic Warder (2)
Manta Roots (1)
Rock Crystals (1)
Silver Cross (1)
Skull Bones (1)

Armor with Wiz7 AC-8 and lower (1)
Armor with Wiz7 AC-9 to AC-10 (2)
Armor with Wiz7 AC-10 and above (4)

• Exceptions : ChainMail+1 (3), Stud Cuir Bra+2 (2), Chamail Doublet+2 (3), Tosei-Do (3), Gown Of Divinemail (4)

Armor with Wiz7 AC-8 and lower (1)
Armor with Wiz7 AC-9 to AC-10 (2)
Armor with Wiz7 AC-10 and above (4)

• Exceptions : ChainMail+1 (3), Stud Cuir Skirt+2 (2), Chamail Pants+2 (3), Tosei-do (3), Gown Of Divinemail (4)

Chamois Gloves (1) --- Steel Gauntlets (2)
Copper Gloves (1)
Cuir Gauntlets (1)
Mail Mittens (1)

Sandals (1) --- Solleret (2)
Buskins (1)
Leather Boots (1)
Chain Hosen (1)

• All Ninja Armor (1)

Bastard Sword (1) --- Rapier (1) --- BroadSword+1 (3)
Broadsword (1) --- Tarnished Sword (1) --- Flamberge (3)
Claymore (1) --- Walriblade (1) --- No-Dachi (3)
Cutlass (1) --- Sword Of Hearts (3)
Longsword (1) --- Zweihander (3)

Battle Axe (1) --- Bearded War Axe (1) --- Bipennis (3)

Anointed Flail (1) --- Morning Star (1) --- Zizka Star (2)
Bullwhip (1) --- Nunchaka (1)
Hammer (1) --- War Hammer (1)
Mace (1) --- War Sceptre (1)

Maiden Head (?)

Awl Pike (1) --- Fauchard (2) Spear Of Death (3)
Halberd (1) --- Shock Rod (2)
Lance (1) --- Spear+2 (2)
Spear (1) --- Stun Rod (2)
Bec de Corbin (1) --- Naginata (2)
Longstem Spade (1)

Raven's Bill (?)

Poison Dagger (1) --- Sai (2)
Main Gauche (1) --- Ninjato (2)
Poignard (1)
Baselard (1) --- Dagger (1)


Long Bow (1) --- Enchanted Bow (2) --- Elven Bow (3)
Lt Crossbow (1) --- Heavy Crossbow (2) --- Great Bow (3)
Short Bow (1) --- Wrist Rocket (2) --- Mystery Ray (3)
Sling (1)

Bite Daggers : Wiz7 slot x 11 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Death Stars : Wiz7 slot x 06 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Feather Darts : Wiz7 slot x 13 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Poison Darts : Wiz7 slot x 12 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Shuriken : Wiz7 slot x 15 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100

Armor Piercers : Wiz7 slot x 25 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Barbed Arrows : Wiz7 slot x 25 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Mystic Arrows : Wiz7 slot x 20 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Peacemakers : Wiz7 slot x 05 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100 (3)-Only 10 Import

Shrike Arrows : Wiz7 slot x 50 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Viper Arrows : Wiz7 slot x 20 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100

Hunter Quarrels : Wiz7 slot x 25 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Lightning Bolts : Wiz7 slot x 08 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100 (2)-Only 8 Import

Quarrels : Wiz7 slot x 100 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100

Bullet Stones : Wiz7 slot x 25 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Impaling Stones : Wiz7 slot x 09 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Medusa Stones : Wiz7 slot x 09 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Spike Stones : Wiz7 slot x 20 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Ta-Li Stones : Wiz7 slot x 20 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100

Powder & Shot : Wiz7 slot x 25 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100

Mana Stone (3 charges)

Cracker Stix : Wiz7 slot x 09 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Fire Stix : Wiz7 slot x 09 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Icicle Stix : Wiz7 slot x 16 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Rocket Stix : Wiz7 slot x 09 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100
Sparkle Stix : Wiz7 slot x 25 --- Wiz 8 slot max 100

Hv Stamina : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5
Mod Stamina : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5

Lt Heal : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5
Mod Heal : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5
Hv Heal : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5

Cure Disease : Wiz7 slot x 1 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5 (2)
Cure Paralysis : Wiz7 slot x 4 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5 (becomes powder)

Cure Poison : Wiz7 slot x 2 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5

Superman : Wiz7 slot x 1 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5 (2)
Holy Water : Wiz7 slot x 1 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5 (3)

Milk Of Magmanasia : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5 (2)
Moser's Mojo Tea : Wiz7 slot x 5 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5
Bottle Of Old Jake's : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max 5
Dungore's Malt Ale : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max ?

Bread Rolls : Wiz7 slot x 5 --- Wiz 8 slot max ?
Bunch of Bananas : Wiz7 slot x 1 --- Wiz 8 slot max ?
Golden Apples : Wiz7 slot x 3 --- Wiz 8 slot max ?

of Detection (2)--- Detect Secret
of Blessings (2)--- Bless
of Resting (2)--- Rest All
Of Barriers (2)--- Missile Shield
of Charming (2)--- Charm
of Relics (2)--- Identify
of Knocks (3)--- Knock Knock

Best Armor to transfer by profession :

//////////////----------//////////////------------COPPER GLOVES
TABI BOOTS-----------BUSKINS---------------CHAIN HOSEN

KABUTO---------------SCULLCAP---------PHRYGIAN CAP
MAIL MITTENS---------/////////////-------CHAMOIS GLOVES

----------RANGER / BARD --------ROGUE

These are the best Normal armors they can be transferred, regardless of other Special items worn/transfer. You can always replace these with one Super and one or two Special Armors for your PC. All races can wear these, except for the FAERIE, who has its' own armor.

1. STEEL GAUNTLETS have a smaller armor class in Wizardry 7 (AC -4), but appear better in Wizardry 8 (AC+10). However, they are Special Items.
2. SUEDE DOUBLET/PANTS can replace the ROBES+1 (U,L), as they have the same AC in Wizardry 8 and can be worn by the same professions. However, they are heavier.
3. RANGERS can also wear the STEEL HELM, although it is heavier.
4. FIGHTER/LORD/VALKYRIE can also wear the BRONZEPLATE (U), although it is heavier.
5. SAMURAI can also wear the BASCINET, although it is heavier.

Stay tuned to the thread, as i have some more days to complete the weapons and post on these, too....

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules - SpellBooks ??"
Posted by mkaderavek on May-20-03 at 07:51 PM

this is a very impressive list, and something I've been trying to work out myself. The only things you haven't mentioned is which spellbooks can be imported.

Given that to create a powerful Bishop (or any spellcaster for that matter), one tends to save spell picks until level 5 and 6 spells become available, it would seem atute to import all possible spellbooks to make the spellcaster stronger early in the game, as well as to save spell picks. I know that you can buy lower level spellbooks from Antone, Crock et al, but importing what you can would be an added bonus and give a spellcaster a flying start.

BTW - I've managed to import Missile Shield, Stamina, Bless and one or two others, all of which are very useful to get as freebies

Any experience on what can and cannot be imported?

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules - SpellBooks ??"
Posted by Vplatsas on May-20-03 at 09:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON May-30-03 AT 12:52 PM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-21-03 AT 06:49 AM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-21-03 AT 06:46 AM (Pacific)

Thank you everybody for your kind words...

I will be experimenting on spellbooks soon enough i find time to do so, probably next week.


Well, i took the bait and went through to test the spellbooks...

Not very good results though, only 7 can import and these are:

of Detection (2)--- Detect Secret
of Blessings (2)--- Bless
of Resting (2)--- Rest All
Of Barriers (2)--- Missile Shield
of Charming (2)--- Charm
of Relics (2)--- Identify
of Knocks (3)--- Knock Knock

What i noticed, though, was when a PC had the book of blessings in his inventory, he/she would not import a 3rd book, regardless of race/profession.

Take into consideration that the test is fully proven. The books categories where tested between books and also between books and items. For example, i provided my lord with a super item, and with Book of knocks, resting and charming.Knocks never made it to wiz 8. Same applied with special items, omitting mostly charming.

I woudn't know if there are any other rules governing the spellbook transfer, but if you divide them from three to six characters, all will transfer, as they did in my test....

"Very nice"
Posted by Llevram on May-20-03 at 08:38 PM
This is one of those "hall of fame" type posts .. if we had such a thing. Well, registered users can bookmark posts within the forum (as well as on your browser).

Tools for Wizardry(r) 7

"RE: Very nice"
Posted by Vplatsas on May-20-03 at 09:45 PM
Thank you very much. Your praise counts high enough, given your Wizardry experience.

I hope, when i have completed the full item guide, that it' ll be worthy enough to have its own space in yor site...
You are by now given the permission to do that...

Stay tuned...

"Sounds like a plan"
Posted by Llevram on May-21-03 at 07:01 AM
.. my main page needs the "menu" updated, to catch some changes over the past few months and to include the Oracle of Dominus site (as it gets finished up, grows, etc.)

Tools for Wizardry(r) 7

"Just checked your site"
Posted by Avatar on May-27-03 at 12:24 PM
Kudos Rick, you've done an awesome job.

"Thanks ...."
Posted by Llevram on May-27-03 at 01:50 PM
... though my classmates did not share your appraisal. I got 252 of a possible 300 ... (but Iblame teh scoring ssytem, not my classmates

I don't think anyone got over about 265, and the low was about 240. Most scored right around 250 ..

It was an odd scoring system, we each had to grade 10 classmates web site, based on 10 criteria (image map, frames, tables, CSS, javascript, Javascript objects, forms, content, navigation and ???? Our average grade we gave, for all 10, had to fall between 240 and 270 (on a scale of 18 pts for "none" to 30 points for "excellent" with poor, average and good all 3 points apart).

Like I said .. weird, but I am just glad it is over

Tools for Wizardry(r) 7

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by Vplatsas on May-27-03 at 06:36 AM
Check the post again, since i have corrected some entries and added some new items
I will probably update the post once a Week, so keep checking...

"Some more detail"
Posted by Scary on May-12-04 at 02:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-04 AT 08:55 PM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-04 AT 07:07 PM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-04 AT 01:56 PM (Pacific)

LAST EDITED ON May-24-04 AT 10:34 AM (Pacific)

Some of my own findings that I wanted to memorialize here. Using Vplatsas's convention of (1), (2), (3) and (4):

Contra Vplastas, whether or not a character imports a category (3) item, he or she can still import no more than two category (2) items.

Flak Jacket (3) is another exception on body armor.

Horn of Prometheus, Lyre of Cakes, Tomb of Demons, and Silent Lyre are all (4)
Siren's Wail (3)
Lute of Sloth, Pipes of Doom (2)
Poet's Lute, Cornu of Demonspawn, Angel's Tongue, Chromatic Lyre are all (1)
(I suspect the Cornu gets this low rating because it will never be a factor in the early game: you must have 14 bard levels before you can use it.)

Mana Stones (1)
Amulet of Spiders (3)
(Edit: deleted comment about Amulet of Life giving +1 regeneration; it does not.)
(Edit: I'm not sure about V's limitation of no more than three or four miscellanous items per character. I have personally been able to import larger numbers of reagents and other miscellanous items. For example, I can import a character with a cross of protection, reagent, and three mana stones, with the fourth mana stone showing up in the party inventory.)

A number of scrolls import, but why bother? For the opportunity cost of a one-shot scroll, you could import 20 high-quality arrows (mystic or viper), or a similarly one-shot but more powerful bomb.

(This now deals with skills, spells, etc., rather than items. I don't think any of this is new, but I thought it would be nice to summarize in one place a lot of the information that has been collected both here and over at the Vault board.)

Magic-using characters import with the following spells:
Bishop: Energy Blast, Heal Wounds, Paralyze, Sleep
Alchemist: Acid Splash, Heal Wounds, Itching Skin, Sleep
Mage: Energy Blast, Frost, Terror, Sleep
Priest: Stamina, Heal Wounds, Paralyze, Bless
Psionic: Mind Stab, Paralyze, Terror, Sleep
Lord: Heal Wounds, Bless
Valkyrie: Heal Wounds, Stamina
Ranger: Heal Wounds, Acid Splash
Ninja: Acid Splash, Itching Skin
Monk: Heal Wounds, Mind Stab
Samurai: Energy Blast, Sleep

Imported characters begin with 9-10 additional attribute points distributed as follows: 1-3 points to "non-key" attributes (e.g., Strength for a Mage) and 1/3 of the remaining points to each of the three "key" attributes for that class. This appears to be done by a formula, without any random variation, based on attribute points. Thus, everytime the same, unaltered character is imported from CODS, he or she will have the same starting attribute points. These points and their distribution can be varied slightly by changing the attribute distribution in CODS (for example, using ankhs from the Dame). Character level (in CODS) appears to have no effect on the number or distribution of points. (Edited to remove statement that attributes are always the same for a particular race-class combination, as I recently discovered that is not perfectly true.)
"Key" attributes are as follows:
Alchemist: Int, Pie, Dex
Bard: Int, Dex, Sens
Bishop: Int, Pie, Dex
Fighter: Str, Vit, Dex
Lord: Str, Pie, Vit
Mage: Int, Pie, Dex
Monk: Dex, Spd, Sen
Ninja: Int, Dex, Spd
Priest: Int, Pie, Vit
Psionic: Int, Pie, Sen
Ranger: Int, Dex, Sen
Rogue: Dex, Spd, Sen
Samurai: Int, Dex, Spd
Valkyrie: Str, Pie, Vit

Skills import at 1/5 their value at the end of CODS, always rounded down: for example, 100 kirijutsu at the end of CODS gets you 20 at the start of W8; 99 gets you 19. The following exceptions and additional information:
Only Bards can start with Music
Only Rangers can start with Scouting
Diplomacy becomes Communication
Mythology transfers (it didn't between Bane and CODS)

Artifacts skill imports at a slightly lower rate, so a 100 in Artifacts in CODS will only give a 16 Artifacts skill at the start of W8. However, Scribe skill points are also added to Artifacts - at a rate of 1/25 - so a character with 100s in both skills in CODS will start with a 20 in Artifacts in W8.

Spell schools start out at a maximum of 16 for pure casters (Bishop, Alchemist, Mage, Priest, Psionic) and a maximum of 13 for hybrids.
Realm skills start out at 13 if the character begins with one spell in that realm and 20 (for pure casters) or 16 (for hybrids) if he or she begins with two spells in that realm.

Certain weapons skills are grouped differently between CODS and W8:
CODS: Wand & Dagger, Pole & Staff, Sling, Thrown Weapons
W8: Wand & Staff, Dagger, Pole Weapons, Sling & Thrown
In these cases, the character seems to get the best possible outcome. Thus, if Wand & Dagger were 100 in CODS, Wand & Staff and Dagger will both start at 20 in W8; if Sling was 100 and Thrown Weapons were 0, Sling & Thrown will start at 20 in W8.

Close Combat and Ranged Combat appear to be linked to their respective weapon categories, so if you have at least one 100 in a "close" weapon (sword, dagger, axe, pole/staff, etc.), you will start at Close Combat 20; and if you have at least 100 in a ranged weapon, you will start at Ranged Combat 20.

Dual Weapons starts at 10. (I haven't tested to see if this is related to any other weapon skills in CODS.)

"RE: Item Transfer - Rules"
Posted by Scary on Oct-18-04 at 09:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-04 AT 09:27 PM (Pacific)

Some additional comments. I have now completed my own, exhaustive (and exhausting) test of import rules. Many thanks to Llevram's WizEdit, without which, this would not have been possible. The information is going to be passed on to Lana to put up on her Flamestryke Wizardry 8 website, which is the acknowledged authority on all things W8: http://www.flamestryke.com/wizardry8/flamestrykes_w8.html
However, this thread is the opportunity for those who frequent the software specialties board to vet the information. Please post in this thread if you think you have any information that disagrees with what I or Vplastas has posted about what does, or does not import. Also, just in case I have missed something, please post if you have a specific question on importing an item or item.

Although my testing disagrees with Vplastas on a few (very few) points, many, many things to V- for compiling the information. At best, I only stand upon the shoulders of giants.

Now, on to the edits:

Helm & Coif (7 AC) is a 1, not a 2
Cap of Wiles is also a 1, rather than a 2
Armor with 8-9 AC is a 2 (I think this was just a type by V-)

Shadow Cloak is a 1, not a 2
Death Shroud also imports, as a 2 (Whoop-dee-doo!)

Bat Necklace is a 3, not a 2

Bronze Cuirass is a 2, not a 1, this surprised me so much, that I just now rechecked and confirmed it.
I have previously noted the higher levels for Flak Jackets, Flak Vests and Jazeraint armor
Hey, everybody! Deathmail (3) and Oliverskin Doublet (1) also import - stock up now at Cursed Treasures R Us

Bronze Greaves are also a 2, not a 1 - let's just avoid the bronze armor
. . . and get those Oliveskin Leggings (1) to go with your Doublet! (Okay, so not all of the new information I have is necessarily useful. There are good reasons V- didn't check everything.)
And to clear up any confusion, Plate Mail, upper and lower, imports (2)

V- has already provided all the useful information; some of the cursed (silken, magnetic) and unavailable (rubber) stuff also imports.

Maiden Head (mace & flail) does not import
Shock Rod is a 1, not a 2
Ninjato is a 1, not a 2
Stilletto is a 2, not a 3 (your rogue will want to stock up)
Feather Darts import at the rate of 15 per CODS slot, rather than 13
Poison Darts import at the rate of 9 per CODS slot, rather than 12

Peacemakers are a 2, not a 3, but that was probably just a typo by V-, as the information about importing 10 total is correct: 5 from each of 2 CODS slots
Lightning Bolts are also a 2 (as stated by V-), meaning that a maximum of 16 can be imported per character
Willow Arrows import at 100 per CODS slot

Hv. Heal imports 4 per CODS slot, rather than 3 (go figure: that's 1 more than Lt. or Mod. Heals import)
Superman and Holy Water are both 1s, instead of 2 and 3, respectively, but V-'s info about the number that import per CODS slot is correct.
Bottle of Old Jakes imports 4 per slot, rather than 3 . . . if you're the sort of person who care about such things
. . . and don't forget to stock up on your salted munk meat (imports at 6 per CODS slot): "Alas, poor T'shober! I knew him well."

Book of Resting (Rest All) is a 3, not a 2

Acid, Cherry and Stink Bombs are all 1s
Fire Bomb is a 2
All bombs import at the rate of 1 per CODS slot

I stand by my previous opinion that it is foolish to waste a slot on importing a scroll. Nevertheless, I have collected that information. If you want it, however, you'll have to read it when I post it at the Vault Board. (I'm too tired to put it all in, here.)

I'm pretty sure I already posted information about musical instruments.

Storage Keys (1 per CODS slot) and Knock-Picks (3 per CODS slot) also import, as 1s. I am not aware that Storage Keys have any use in W8 - y'all can let me know.

That's all the new info I have. In the next day or two, I'll try to post on the Vault Board, too, so I can get their vetting, as well, as I know not all of us visit both sites. But remember: you got it here, first.